Missionary Dept


"For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love...

Evelyn (Ruth) Wilson
Missionary President

Greater Refuge
Missionary Dept.

GRCC Missionary Vision – “Do Everything to the Glory of God”

I Tim 4:16 - Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine: continue in them: For in doing so thou shalt both save thy self, and them that hear thee.


Mother Mack took to heart the vision of “Add Thou to It” a phrase expressed by the late Bishop R. C. Lawson. Mother Mack was considered the first Missionary of Greater Refuge Church of Christ (aka Refuge Church of Christ). She was a Missionary of action. Mother Mack was a missionary that believed in the call. The Lord led her to Scotch Plains, New Jersey. She was rooted and grounded in the Word and understood her mission and purpose as a servant of the Lord. She began to have prayer in her home. The mission began to grow and she incorporated bible teaching. In time she called the headquarters of COOLJC to send a pastor. She successfully passed the torch to the next generation, “undiluted.” Many pastors past through Scotch Plains but it was called the “grave yard” for preachers, yet God knew who would continue the growth of this work and they did just that. Under the leadership of Apostle Robert Sabie Grayer he appointed Mother Hattie Stewart as the first Missionary President (served for 25 years).


The Greater Refuge Church of Christ (GRCC) leadership Missionary department espouses the teachings and charges established by the National Missionary Society. Behind the Black and White, are harvesters with a compassion for souls; Women, filled with the Holy Spirit, brought their gifts, talents and willingness to be used to further expand the Kingdom of GOD. For many years, the GRCC Missionary department has been led by dynamic women of GOD. These women were not only leaders, but were known for their modest behavior, fervent teachings, caring for the sick and shut-in, being the intricate part of new works, perseverance as altar workers, (as heaven rejoiced, they also rejoiced at the birth of a regenerated soul) while keeping the standards that coincide with the Word of God put in place by their leaders, understanding the good works could never overshadow obedience. These women rejoiced!

We salute our past great missionary leaders of the GRCC Missionary Department; they were Mother Hattie Stewart, Mother Elizabeth Ross, Mother Bertha Robinson, Mother Anne Grayer, Mother Hazel Banks, Mother Aldith Long, Mother Dorothy Jones and Sis. Rosemarie Hill. These women shared in the rich heritage of the GRCC Missionary Department. Despite the challenges of the times, they continued to serve, guide, train women who were willing and ready to advance and expand the Kingdom of God. As the pages continue to be written, it will include “A CALL TO PRAYER.” Sis. Hill is often quoted as saying, “How can we accomplish, if we are not praying.” Behind the uniform are laborers, standing in agreement as soldiers in line-up formation. We are Reaching-IN as well as Reaching-OUT. The GRCC Missionaries are continuing to press towards the mark in our Action, Attitude and our Behavior.


Every First Sunday at 3:30 PM – GRCC ZOOM Evangelistic – Every Fourth Friday at 7:30 PM – GRCC ZOOM